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Hello, and welcome. If you're reading this then that must mean I am dead. Dave please go to my house and get my porn collection before my family has to find it. There's some embarrassing shit in there. Tim, please help Dave by distracting my loved ones with song and dance. Ken, you may partake in the dance portion, you have long awkward legs that will help alleviate their pain by adding some comedy. Chris, please stay away from my house and family. The porn collection is bad enough....and I'm realizing this is supposed to be my bio for the podcast and not my botched heist note. At any rate, Tim please don't add this portion into my bio. Seriously. Start my bio.....NOW:

To say that I'm a horror super fan is an understatement. I literally will watch anything and everything that is given the genre moniker of horror. Do I prefer some sub-genres over others? you betcha. My number one choice of horror is anything ghost related. I'm absolutely fascinated with the subject matter in general so the more of this the better. Heap it on my plate. Give me some Poltergeist, with a side of The Changeling, and spatter some Insidious gravy on top, and give me a nice warm Legend of Hell house to soothe my palate. For desert.......I love me some psychological horror, my favorite, Session 9. My horror meals need to have some character development to sink my teeth into (see what I did there) and some meaty dialogue (Okay now I know you see what I did there). Oh and I love food.

Now that's not to say that I don't enjoy mindless horror yarns. In fact in my humble horror beginnings I usually rented anything on the Ma and Pa horror section Shelf. The bigger the boxes the better and the more gruesome the better. To this day Jason Voorhees and his home town of Crystal Lake is the perfect spot for me to sit on a dock and drink some pats blue ribbon and cheers the old deformed Mongoloid. That really goes for any 80's horror film, since it's the time I discovered it, I still feel a certain kinship to the entire decade. Hopefully this love for everything horror will shine through, I don't have any notions of changing the way you think about the genre, I just hope to maybe alert you to some titles you never heard of and make you smile. God you have a great smile.

Marc Rissmann

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